Bitget Exchange

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange with futures trading and copy trading services as its key features. Serving over 8 million users in more than 100 countries and regions, the exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter by providing a secure, one-stop trading solution. It also inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi, the leading Italian football team Juventus, and official eSports events organizer PGL.

On Bitget you can also participate in token sales which are also known as IEOs (initial exchange offerings). The latest IEO that was completed on Bitget was TypeIt, which ended 5 months ago. The most profitable token that launched on Bitget is GoSleep, which is currently trading at 6.48x higher than its token sale price (expressed in USD). So far, there have been 6 token sales on the Bitget exchange.

Is Bitget safe?

We currently don’t label Bitget as a trusted exchange. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that it is unsafe. Make sure to check the exchange’s security practices and track record before you deposit any funds.

How do you put money in Bitget?

You can fund your account on Bitget by depositing cryptocurrency.

Can you deposit fiat on Bitget?

No, you can’t deposit fiat currency on Bitget. This means that Bitget is designed for users who already own some cryptocurrency.

Can you buy crypto on Bitget with credit card?

You can buy crypto with a credit card on Bitget. Buying cryptocurrency with a credit card is one of the fastest ways of purchasing crypto, but it typically also comes with substantial fees. Make sure to check the applicable fees before making your purchase.

Can I trade with USDT stablecoin on Bitget?

Yes, you can trade with the USDT stablecoin on Bitget across 564 trading pairs. In the last 24 hours, Bitget handled $ 633.05M worth of USDT trading volume.

Does Bitget have a mobile app?

Yes, Bitget has a mobile app. The exchange’s app is available for Android and iOS. A mobile app will allow you to check the performance your holdings on the exchange and trade cryptocurrencies on the go.

Is Bitget a centralized or decentralized exchange?

Bitget is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. This means that Bitget manages users’ cryptocurrency deposits, and its systems handle the trades happening on the platform. Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are suitable for all types of users, ranging from beginners to professional traders.

How many cryptocurrencies can I trade on Bitget?

You can trade 558 tokens on Bitget across 622 trading pairs.In total, Bitget handled $ 647.65M worth of trades in the last 24 hours.