Jupiter Airdrop

Airdrop value--
End dateunknown

Jupiter is the key liquidity aggregator for Solana, offering the widest range of tokens and the best route discovery between any token pair. They aim to provide the most friendly UX for users and the most powerful tools for developers to allow them to easily access the best-in-class swap in their application, interface or on-chain programs.

Jupiter Airdrop,Claim free Jupiter tokens

Jupiter has confirmed to launch their token and allocated 40% of the total supply for airdrops. Users who had interacted with the platform by November 2nd are eligible to share 10% of the total supply. There will be future airdrops in which the remaining supply would be airdropped.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Jupiter airdrop claim page.
  2. Connect your Solana wallet.
  3. If you’re eligible, you will be able to claim free JUP tokens.
  4. Users who’ve interacted with Jupiter by November 2nd are eligible for the first phase of the airdrop.
  5. Users who interacted with Jupiter via Solend and Sol-Incinerator are also eligible if the transaction was signed directly by the user.
  6. The allocation is based on various categories, such as:
    • 200M JUP to all users who’ve interacted regardless of the volume
    • 700M JUP based on volume
    • 100M JUP to community contributors
  7. A total of 40% of the total supply has been allocated for the airdrop, with 10% allocated for this round.
  8. There will also be future airdrops in which the remaining 30% of the supply will be distributed in 3 rounds.
  9. So continue interacting with the platform and users who swap, bridge and trade on the platform may get future airdrops.
  10. For more information regarding the airdrop, see this tweet.


Although we strive to list only legitimate projects, But we can't detect all scams, we are not responsible for any problems or losses caused by scams or inaccurate information. Therefore, in the process of receiving airdrops, everyone should have their own awareness of screening.

Cryptocurrencies safety knowledge

1、Never share your private keys.

2、Use 2 Factor Authentication on your wallets.

3、Be careful while downloading wallets of smaller projects and use a Virtual machine.

4、Be cautious with links redirecting to wallets.

5、Don’t use your main email address to apply for airdrops.

6、Stay away from re-using your passwords.

7、Do not send crypto to receive your airdrop.